Privacy Policy


JANE CARR respects the privacy rights of our visitors and recognises the importance of protecting the information collected about them. This policy is about how we collect, store, and use the personal information that you provide to us.

It also describes your data protection rights, including a right to object to some of the processing which we carry out (e.g. direct marketing). 

Please be assured that we take data protection seriously. We will hold and transmit your information in a safe, confidential and secure environment. By registering, subscribing or using our website, you consent to the use of your personal data in line with this policy.

If you are under 18, you must inform a parent or guardian about our Privacy Policy to obtain their agreement to the policy before registering, subscribing or placing an order with us.

Whenever you give us your personal information we will use it in accordance with applicable privacy laws and for the purposes set out in this policy, on the data entry forms you complete, in any relevant terms and conditions and on pages or emails which link to the data entry forms.

When you register with us you agree to our Privacy Policy and when you shop online with us you agree to both our Terms & Conditions and our Privacy Policy.


JANE CARR collects personal data when you browse our website, call our Customer Care team, sign up for our marketing communications and place an order. We may collect further data regarding your shopping habits and the pages and the products that you have viewed from your use of our website.

We may also pass your information to credit reference and fraud prevention agencies and contact you by letter, telephone or e-mail. We do not and will not sell your personal data to any third parties.


  • - When you visit our website, and use your account to buy products.
  • - When you make an online purchase and check out as a guest (in which case we just collect transaction-based data).
  • - When you create an account with us.
  • - When you engage with us on social media.
  • - When you contact us by any means with queries, complaints etc.
  • - When you enter prize draws or competitions (in case we do this third party / on social media) .

  • - If you have a web account and have made a purchase with us, we collect your name, billing/delivery address, order history, email address and telephone number.
  • - Details of your communications with us by phone, email or via our website.
  • - Details of your visits to our website and which site you came from to ours.
  • - Your social media username, if you communicate with us through those channels, to help us respond to your comments, questions or feedback.
  • - Your marketing preferences, including any consents you have given us when you subscribe to our newsletter or set up an online account.
  • - Information related to the browser, device or operating system you use to access our website.
  • - Your IP address, the website you came from, information on actions taken on our website including but not limited to pages viewed, dates and times of visits, time spent on each page, products viewed, clicked on, added to your basket and purchased.
  • - Information gathered by the use of cookies in your web browser (see more in Cookie Policy).
  • - "Aggregated Data" such as statistical or demographic data for any purpose. Aggregated Data could be derived from your personal data but is not considered personal data in law as this data will not directly or indirectly reveal your identity.
  • - Content you have viewed or interacted with on social media or third party websites.
  • - Adverts that you have clicked on or engaged with.

We want to give you the best possible customer experience. One way to achieve that is to get the richest picture we can of who you are by combining the data we have about you.

Here’s how we’ll use your personal data and why:

To fulfil our contractual obligations to you, or take steps linked to a contract. This includes to:
  • - Process any orders that you make on our website;
    If we don’t collect your personal data during checkout, we won’t be able to process your order and comply with our legal obligations.
    For example, your details may need to be passed to a third party to supply or deliver the product or service that you ordered, and we may keep your details for a reasonable period afterwards in order to fulfil any contractual obligations such as refunds, guarantees and so on.
  • - Provide customer service;
    Communicating with you (including by email and SMS) about your orders or about your account.
  • - Verify your identity.
  • - Send you information about changes to our terms or policies.
To conduct our business and pursue our legitimate interests. This includes to:
  • - Provide products and services you’ve requested.
  • - Respond to your queries, refund requests and complaints. Handling the information you sent enables us to respond. We may also keep a record of these to inform any future communication with us and to demonstrate how we communicated with you throughout.
  • - Help us monitor, improve and protect our products, content and website.
  • - Personalise our products and website for you.
  • - Protect our business and your account from fraud and other illegal activities. This includes using your personal data to maintain, update and safeguard your account. We’ll also monitor your browsing activity with us to quickly identify and resolve any problems and protect the integrity of our website.
  • - Investigate any complaints received from you or from others, about our website or our products or services.
  • - Learn your preferences, and personalise content and advertising for you, so that you only receive marketing communications that are relevant to you.
  • - Send you email marketing emails, only where you have given your consent.
  • - Use cookies (explained in our Cookie Policy), unless you have opted to block us from doing so.


We may use third party companies to help meet our business needs and may share your data with these third parties. These companies have been carefully selected based on security and reliability.

We may share your personal data:
  • - With partners, suppliers and sub-contractors for the performance of any contract we enter into with you.
  • - With payment processors (such as SagePay and PayPal).
  • - With advertisers and advertising networks (such as Facebook or Google) to send you relevant, targeted advertisements on our behalf.
  • - With analytics and search engine providers that help us improve our website.
  • - If we are required to do so by applicable law and regulation or by any governmental, tax, regulatory body or law enforcement agency.
  • - With third parties if this will help us to enforce our policies and terms of use, to check for potential illegal activity (such as copyright infringement or fraud) or to protect the safety of other users of our website.
  • - To any other third-party with your prior consent.
Any such third parties who process your personal data on our behalf are only permitted to do so in accordance with our instructions and we take steps to ensure that the transfer and any on-going processing by those third parties is carried out securely and in accordance with applicable data protection laws.

janecarr.shop may include links to third-party websites, plug-ins and applications. Although we take all the necessary steps to include safe, quality and relevant links, we are not responsible for any content published by any such third parties, nor are we responsible for any malware contained on these websites.

Clicking on those links or enabling those connections may allow third parties to collect or share data about you. We do not control these third-party websites and are not responsible for their privacy statements. When you leave our website, we encourage you to read the privacy policy of every website you visit.


You have the right to be informed about how your personal information is being used.

You have the right to access information we hold about you and to ask us to share this data with a third party. If you would like a copy of your personal information, please email info@jane-carr.com 

You have the right to review and update your personal details. If for any reason you are concerned that the personal information we hold is not correct, please visit our website and, after logging into the site using the "Sign In" menu on the home page, your personal information will be made available for review and change in the "My Account" section. Only you or, upon your request, our Customer Care team, may access your personal data from our website using your user ID and password. Information may be changed online within “Account Details”. If you prefer, you may contact us by email at info@jane-carr.com and we will amend your personal details.

You have the right to object to us using your data. Whenever you have given us your consent to use your personal data, you have the right to change your mind at any time, withdraw consent and ask us to delete / destroy your data. To do so please email info@jane-carr.com.

You have the right to stop the use of your personal data for direct marketing activity through all, or selected channels and we must always adhere to this request. See “EMAIL MARKETING” for more information.

Where we require your data to fulfil legal or contractual obligations, then provision of such data is mandatory: if such data is not provided, then we will not be able to manage our contractual relationship with you, or to meet obligations placed on us.
You have the right to make a complaint at any time to the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO), the UK supervisory authority for data protection issues (www.ico.org.uk).


When you become a new customer online or purchase products online we record your Internet IP address for our records as a prevention measure against any fraudulent payment transactions.

We will not save your card details within your JANE CARR account. We hope you understand that this is a valuable precaution designed to protect your personal information.

You are given the option to save your preferred addresses for faster, future checkout.

We will hold on to your information for as long as you have an account, or as long as is needed to be able to provide the services to you, or (in the case of any contact you may have with our Customer Care team) for as long as is necessary to provide customer support.

Where you have chosen a password which enables you to access certain parts of our website, you are responsible for keeping this password confidential. We ask you not to share a password with anyone.

If reasonably necessary or required to meet legal or regulatory requirements, resolve disputes, prevent fraud and abuse, or enforce our terms and conditions, we may also keep hold of some of your information as required, even after you have closed your account or it is no longer needed to provide the services to you. 

We host our store on Shopify Inc, they provide us with the online e-commerce platform that allows us to sell our products and services to you. They store your data on a secure server behind a firewall. You may view Shopify’s privacy policy at www.shopify.com/legal/privacy and cookie policy at www.shopify.com/legal/cookies.


When you visit janecarr.shop, we collect information about your use of our website using cookies. Cookies are pieces of information that are sent by a website to your computer or other device which we can access when you visit our site in future. Cookies help us remember who you are and other information about your visits. They can help display the information on a website in a way that matches your interests. 

Most major websites use cookies. For more information, please view our Cookie Policy.


We offer you the chance to receive our newsletters via email. These include alerts for new products, features, and one-off marketing promotions. You can opt out of receiving these updates, if you wish.

At all times, we will offer you the opportunity to unsubscribe from any service or update to which you have subscribed, if you change your mind. Whenever you receive email marketing from us, there will be the option to ‘UNSUBSCRIBE’.

Alternatively, you can unsubscribe, or update your contact details held on our mailing list by emailing us at info@jane-carr.com.

Once you opt out, we will cease sending you marketing communications, however our system may take some time to adjust and you may still receive marketing emails before our system is fully updated.

If you opt out of marketing, we will still contact you in order to provide you with products and services you request and for administration purposes (e.g. if you have placed an order).


We take all reasonable care to maintain appropriate safeguards to ensure the security, integrity and privacy of the information you have provided to us. We have put in place technology and security policies which are designed to protect the personal information we hold about you.

We limit the access of your personal data to those employees, agents, contractors and other third parties who have a business need to know. 

We also follow the security procedures that applicable privacy laws require. These cover storing, using and releasing any information you have provided, as well as measures designed to prevent unauthorised access or use.

When you place an order or access your account information, we use a Secure Socket Layer (SSL) encryption which encrypts your information before it is sent to us to protect it from unauthorised use.

We will notify you and any applicable regulator of a breach where we are legally required to do so.


We will not keep your personal information for longer than is necessary, for the purposes for which it was collected and is processed and for the purposes of satisfying our legal, accounting or regulatory reporting requirements. We may retain personal information for longer than this in certain circumstances, for example in the event of an ongoing dispute. We may retain your personal information for a longer period in the event of a complaint or if we reasonably believe there is a prospect of litigation in respect to our relationship with you. 

To determine the appropriate retention period for personal information, we consider the amount, nature and sensitivity of the personal information, the potential risk of harm from unauthorised use or disclosure of your personal information, the purposes for which we process your personal information and whether we can achieve those purposes through other means, and the applicable legal, regulatory, tax, accounting or other requirements.


JANE CARR is the controller and responsible for your personal data ("we", "us" or "our" in this Privacy Policy as well as in our Cookie Policy). Please find contact details below.

We keep our Privacy Policy under regular review. We reserve the right to make changes to our Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy at any time and will post updated terms on our website.
We will notify you of any material changes by either sending you an email to the email address you most recently provided or by prominently posting an update on our website. Please read this Privacy Policy on a regular basis to ensure you have full understanding of our procedures.


We are always here to help you. If you have any concerns about how we process your data, or would like to opt out of email marketing, you can get in touch by email at info@jane-carr.com or write to us at CUSTOMER CARE,JANE CARR, Church Hall Studios, 4 Redhill Street, London, NW1 4BG, United Kingdom.
Last update: February 2021 © JANE CARR